Plastic Pollution and Climate Change

Plastic pollution and Climate Change: we are sharing our message with the community of São Francisco, Santiago Island. The panel was designed in collaboration with students of UniPiaget Cabo Verde, with the coordination of Prof. W.J.Szymaniak. It is installed on the main street of Sao Francisco. Plastic is one of contributors to global warming and climate change. HOW? Large quantities of carbon dioxide are emitted during the plastic production process. Moreover, when as plastics decay, they emit traces of methane and ethylene, the other two powerful greenhouse gases. And to find out more we invite you to visit the community and Ecocenter of Sao Francisco!


#Ekonatura #ECOCV #ADSF #CFLIinCV #EcocentroSaoFrancisco #reciclagemdeplastico #economiacircular #adaptacaomudancasclimaticas

Projeto: Capacitação da comunidade de São Francisco, através da reciclagem de plástico para enfrentar vulnerabilidades às alterações climáticas nas zonas rurais de Santiago financiado pelo #CFLI #CFLIauCV #CFLIinCV