Results: Participatory monitoring of Corals and Seagrass of Santiago Island

ECOCV and National Directorate of Environment present the results of the participatory monitoring of seagrass and corals in Santiago Island. Main results: new marine species and new species of seagrass confirmed for Santiago and Cabo Verde; the number of seagrass meadows increased from 2 to 6; the area of known seagrass meadows increased 15 times from 6,000 m2 to 91,800 m2; locations with the coral presence increased from 8 in 2015 to 47 in 2023; 15 species of corals confirmed for Santiago Island. Baia de Angra identified as a biodiversity hotspot for Santiago Island with 10 species of corals and 2 species of seagrass which also make up the largest meadow in Santiago. The main negative impacts registered included: plastic pollution, sand extraction, damage from anchors, overfishing and extensive coral bleaching after the heatwave of 2023.

The exposition of project photos is at the Government Palace till the 29th of March. Please visit and explore the underwater riches of Santiago Island. 


We thank project partners and collaborators: Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Cabo Verde  UniPiaget NeptuneCV Project Acolha (OMCV e PCN); fishers and community members of Moia Moia, Baia Nossa Sra Da Luz, Tarrafal, Porto Formoso, Gamboa, Rincão, Porto Mosquito, Calheta Sao Martinho